Tag archive

49. Avoiding pitfalls when writing cross-genre w/ Kellie McIntyre
If you’ve ever considered writing cross-genre, learn how one author successfully combined travel writing, memoir, and young adult into a single book.
15. Facing fears to pursue freelance and fiction writing w/ Danielle Hayden
Are you curious about freelance writing, but the idea of pitching yourself feels overwhelming—perhaps even terrifying? Danielle Hayden, freelance writer and mother to a kindergartener, is on the show today.
41. Book talk: Discovering layers w/ Maria Secoy
Enjoy a combination of bantering and insight into writing techniques as two friends discuss a few books that changed their lives for the better and tortured them in high school.
47. Shifting the needle from dreaming to writing
The clips highlight some reoccurring themes among my guests that shift the needle from dreaming about writing to taking action.
18. Simplifying “show, don’t tell”
In this quick episode, you will learn exactly what "show, don't tell" means, when to use them, and how to transition between the two.
37. Get acquainted with the 5 primary sentence patterns
Have you ever written a sentence that just feels off? Learn the 5 primary sentence patterns to plant the first seeds for gaining this knowledge.
28. Connecting with readers before you hit publish w/ Stephanie Brandt
Stephanie Brandt shares how she became disconnected from her creativity in her new adventure of motherhood and she overcame that to write her first book. We also chat a lot about reader magnets and social media marketing.
27. Planning realistic New Year’s writing goals
Planning our writing goals is crucial to our success. But we also need to set realistic goals we can achieve. Use these 6 steps to ensure your writing success this new year.
10. Exploring romance gone wrong w/ Amanda Jane Schiller
She’s far more excited about exploring the millions of ways a romance can go wrong, rather than right. Amanda Jane Schiller, a contemporary romance novelist, is on today's podcast.
02. Healing and growing post-breakup through writing w/ Angel Norvell
A soul-crushing breakup led Angel Norvell to start writing about her healing process with the hope of helping others.
32. From postpartum depression to author w/ Samantha Bryant
When postpartum depression strikes, escaping those feelings can seem impossible. Learn how this mom returned to creative writing to help herself through depression.
43. Growing your audience organically
In this episode, you’ll learn how to reach your ideal readers and how to create content that users actually want to consume AND share.