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6 Easy Steps to Set Realistic Writing Goals
New Year’s resolutions tend to fall through. But when we apply those lessons to writing, you'll know how and why taking these six steps will help you succeed with your writing goals.
Bonus: 7 ways to make time for your writing and yourself
Making time for your writing, especially for us busy parents, is something I talk a lot about here on Conversations with Parents who Write. Enjoy these 7 tips in this flash podcast episode.
50K Words in 30 Days: How to Write a Novel in a Month
Writing a novel in a month is achievable with careful planning and dedication. By exploring your story beforehand, setting daily word count goals, and using effective writing strategies like daydreaming and sprint sessions, you can overcome challenges and complete your first draft.
65. Scenes, characters, series, oh my! Taming the chaos of multi-project writing w/ Edward Green
Do you struggle with multi-project writing? In this episode, Edward shares not only his writing journey but also the answers to questions that used to plague him too. Like, how do you keep track of all those random scenes that pop into your head?
56. Write Women Book Fest 2023: Inspiring journeys and genre magic (part 1)
Seven women authors who attended The Write Women Book Fest 2023 discuss their literary careers, love for their chosen genres, and inspiration sources.
27. Planning realistic New Year’s writing goals
Planning our writing goals is crucial to our success. But we also need to set realistic goals we can achieve. Use these 6 steps to ensure your writing success this new year.
55. From struggling writer to urban fantasy author w/ Michelle Summers
Michelle Summers shares her inspiring journey as an urban fantasy author who brought mythological characters to life through the power of human beliefs.
39. Fighting imposter syndrome by living a writer’s life w/ H.L. Brooks
Learn to fight off imposter syndrome by living the true life of a writer and the keys to building that life for yourself, regardless of where you’re at in your writing journey.
26. Claiming your writing identity w/ Jennifer Bozarth
Erin coaches her on the importance of making time for her own goals and happiness amidst their discussion on what it means to be a writer.
20. Getting back into writing
Reclaiming your writing skills may take a bit of effort. But by taking these 7 easy-to-implement steps, you’ll be writing again in no time!
22. Finishing the first draft
In today’s episode, your host, Erin P.T. Canning, wants to share her journey with finishing the first draft and what she learned along the way.
57. Write Women Book Fest 2023: Inspiring journeys and genre magic (part 2)
In the second part of the 2023 Write Women Book Fest journey, 7 women writers share their inspiring stories, cover the challenges they've overcome, and encourage writers to pursue their passion.