Helping writers pursue their author dreams

Embrace your author identity, no matter where you're at on your journey.

NOTE: The podcast is in the process of being rebranded from Parents Who Write to Embracing the Fiction Author Journey. Regardless, it's still a podcast first and foremost for writers and authors.

Young woman writing in a journal at a cafe table


Do you have an idea for a book—but worry it's not good enough?

Get this free guide and learn how to silence that inner judge. Make writing stress-free and fun again, so you can keeping going and finish that first draft with confidence.


Hi, I'm Erin!

I'm an indie author, editor, and book coach who's worked with writers for 20 years. I teach them how to postpone their desire for pretty sentences and untangle their jumbled ideas so they can finish their first draft and publish their books with confidence. 

Thanks to my personal experience and my master's in writing, I have a 4-stage process that takes newer and aspiring authors from struggling with overwhelm to finishing their manuscripts in 6 months. 

Check out these popular episodes

Crafting continuity: A writer’s guide to style sheets

Learn how to maintain consistency when writing a story or book series using style sheets and style tags for easy document navigation.

The art of earnings: Mastering full-time writing with Sarah Werner, episode 62 of the Parents Who Write podcast

Sarah Werner talks about ghostwriting, experimenting with her creativity, and what's worked best for her. Learn how you too can build a career as a full-time writer. 

Unlocking the art of book cover design with Katia Balab, episode 59 of the Parents Who Write podcast

Katia Balab offers insight into effective cover design practices, including working with your designer and online resources to help you tackle as much as you want.

What listeners say


Be the author you've always envisioned

Have you heard of Have • Do • Be? Often, we think we need to have and do something first before we can be that person.

But the reverse mindset is what actually leads us to achieving our goals. That is, we need to be the thing in order to do it and have it.

As such, use these free resources to help you reach your next goal and be the author you're meant to be.

Writers benefit immensely from reading, but we also need to analyze what techniques other authors use and learn what does and doesn't work for us. Watch this book review to learn how to "read like a writer."

FINISH THAT First draft

Use this personal guide to help you make time for your writing, get started and keep going without your inner judge silencing you, and continue showing up so you see this through.

Self-publishing check list

Use this self-publishing check list so you don't miss a step as you finalize those last pages, choose your publishing platforms, and prep your book's searchability.

avoid these fantasy & romance mistakes

Coming soon!

What clients say

50K words in a month
50K words in 30 days: How to write a novel in a month

By exploring your story beforehand, setting daily word count goals, and using effective writing strategies like daydreaming and sprint sessions, you can overcome challenges and write a novel in a month.

Writer's block isn't the end
11 Practical Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block, Even if You Feel Hopeless

For two weeks my writing and I suffered from fear, doubt, and frustration. Then I identified several practical ways to overcome writer's block.

6 steps to set realistic writing goals
6 Easy Steps to Set Realistic Writing Goals

New Year’s resolutions tend to fall through. But when we apply those lessons to writing, you'll know how and why taking these six steps will help you succeed with your writing goals.


Erin P.T. Canning has worked for 20 years as an editor, encouraging each writer’s individual voice and strengthening their writing goals.

She always planned to write a book, but life had a tendency to distract her. After dedicating six years of her life to motherhood and discovering her ADHD, she started writing again, even though she feared her writing skills had atrophied.

After letting go of her perfectionism, Erin finally finished her own shitty first draft and released her fantasy romance novel, Ruins and Redemption, in 2023. Her current role as a podcaster and book coach enables her to help writers pursue their author dreams.