Tag archive

60. Crafting your writer’s resolution: 6 steps to writing success in the new year
This episode outlines 6 specific steps to help writers achieve substantial progress and overcome common obstacles like self-doubt or competing priorities. Start your writing New Year off on the right foot with achievable goals.
67. Memoir writing tips: Transforming journal entries into a book w/ Sarah Birnbach
Author Sarah Birnbach shares her journey from journaling for healing to becoming a published author. Learn practical memoir writing tips to craft a compelling story from your personal entries.
18. Simplifying “show, don’t tell”
In this quick episode, you will learn exactly what "show, don't tell" means, when to use them, and how to transition between the two.
49. Avoiding pitfalls when writing cross-genre w/ Kellie McIntyre
If you’ve ever considered writing cross-genre, learn how one author successfully combined travel writing, memoir, and young adult into a single book.
19. Writing and parenting simultaneously w/ Sara Burnett
Learn how Sara challenged her assumptions about writing and parenting and implemented habits that supported these two identities existing simultaneously.
23. Finishing the first draft: Character development
Have you ever written something you love, that you’re feeling excited about, but you find yourself unable to get past a certain scene or finish the first draft?
28. Connecting with readers before you hit publish w/ Stephanie Brandt
Stephanie Brandt shares how she became disconnected from her creativity in her new adventure of motherhood and she overcame that to write her first book. We also chat a lot about reader magnets and social media marketing.
35. What is a chapter?
Do you keep toying with an idea for a novel, but you’re not even sure what constitutes a chapter? Learn not only why we use chapters but also what to include in them in this flash episode.
64. Cracking the Code: How to Attract Readers on Social Media
Authors are responsible for their own marketing. In this episode, you'll learn how to attract readers on social media. More specifically, you’ll discover how to stop readers from scrolling past your posts and how to encourage readers to engage with your content.
38. Writing about family and difficult memories
Do you have personal moments of your life that you want to write about, but you're not sure how to approach writing about family? Tune in to learn tips for navigating these issues.
5 Steps to Start Writing and Unleash Your Creative Self
Learning how to start writing in a way that allowed my creativity to flow freely was one of the best lessons grad school taught me. Now I’m sharing my discoveries with you.
50. Organic marketing tips for social media w/ Chad Miller
Learn 6 organic marketing tips that will help you grow your social media audience, without spamming groups or turning readers away with only “buy my book” posts.